KS : Austin has a great romantic evening by candlelight and much more afterwards.
1 year ago
[205] Young russian guy kirill has fun on webcam, sniffing his panties and socks
1 year ago
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4 years ago
very unique video unless ittzz been done before, and I missed it... butt i'm pretty sure they are hopelessly tongue tied... and not bad looking either... itzz like a twenty minute kiss concert with more musclez ???????????????????????????????????? !!
4 years ago
just another hott day in San Benito County just south of San Jose Calif... my Grandma grew up just south of Hollister so I kinda know it well... at Willow Creek near Pinnacles National Monument... where my family graveyard iz located going way backzz to The Cavemen Of Pinnacles daze, hee hawzz !! and yes, they have cavez with waterfalls in em that have eazy hiking trails thru the cavez, on a major earthquake fault surrounded by boulderz, ancient volcanic ruinz actually... no danger there !! ...and they used to have Grizzliez back when my Grandma waz a kidd... and it took a day on horseback to get to Hollister, another day to get back, before the highway went thru there... butt my Grandma went to the historic now schoolhouse there... lotza rattlesnakes and wild piggzz, PLUS CALIFORNIA CONDORZ, THE LARGEST KNOWN LIVING BIRDZ STILL AROUND... OTHER THAN BIRDMAN MAYBEEZZ !! PRETTY MUCH LIKE TERRADACTYLEZ !! BUTT THEY ONLY GO AFTER SMALLER KIDDZZ !! DEFINITELY JURRASIC PARK MATERIAL THO, WITH A SAN JUAN BAUTISTA MISSION NEARBY THAT THEY FILMED THE MOVIE VERTIGO AT WITH THE BELL TOWER SCENE !! THE NATIVE AMERICANZ THERE WERE UZING RED CLAY AZ MAKEUP, AND THEN WERE GETTING SICK, BECUZ THE RED WAZ MERCURY AND THEY HAD NO IDEA IT WAZ POIZONOUS... SO MY RELATIVEZ HELPED THEM FIND AN ALTERNATE THAT WAZ SAFE TO UZE !! THATZ PROBABLY THE ONLY REAZON THEY DIDNT GET THE DINOSAURZZ ON EM, AND THE GRIZZLIEZ !! AND THE CONDORZZ !! AND THE INTERNET STILL SUCKZZ THERE !! ????????????????????