Gay themed movie - Satisfaction - part 2
Boy from Argentina experiences his first gay sex in part 1. In part 2 he hooks up with several guys.
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Tasty 2 years ago
I love this and the first one too. The main character is cute and hot, and I love his cock -- not too big. ---- In this part, there's a lot of good action, albeit formulaic: suck, fuck, reflect. But at 36:42, there's a HOT no-hands cum while the main dude is slow-fucked. ---- I'll add that a notable scene from part 1 makes it here to GBT regularly as a stand-alone clip. In that part - scene, the main character enjoys his first gay experience where he's encouraged to perform oral on his (friend? cousin?) while sitting on the porch where presumably they could have been caught. That scene alone makes the film worth a look. Part 1 of 'Satisfaction' should appear in related videos here on this page, but if not the title is searchable.