Billboard (1989)
An art studio is transformed into a sweaty sex pit. Dated and flawed, but historic, as the first effort by both Joey Stefano and Chi Chi Larue.
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6 years ago
Yep. Chi Chi was supposedly one of his closest friends, all the way up to the time of his death. I think one of the best films Stefano did, acting-wise -- and it's hot too -- was the year after this, in Jerry Douglas' film, "More of a Man." Chi Chi Larue didn't direct -- Douglas is one of the all-time great directors, though he made only a few films -- but she did have a nonsexual role in it, appearing in front of the camera! Stefano plays a conflicted guy, who's gay but not comfortable with it, and his acting is really good. I posted that one here, under my previous profile:
bike10 6 years ago
Joey did some amazing work and had body to show off. But he got caught in world of drugs. Seem to read some where Chi Chi tried to give him help.
6 years ago
Bike10 yes, and this was his first "film" -- and her first, for Catalina, as well. Obviously, both went on to bigger and better things (at least, until Stefano died)!
bike10 6 years ago
Was Joey Stefano not discovered by Chi Chi Larue?