Pretty Blond Boy
A sweet russian boy, smooth, blond, so beautiful with a natural pretty appearance. So sweet in his response to the interviewer asking questions, those facial expressions are so captivating. He has a beautiful smooth body and truly enjoys his video shoot. I'm in love with this sweet boy!
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6 years ago
7 years ago
Yes, I know it's Corey, I've found some pics of him well after this video. He has defined features now, just as beautiful now as he was when he did this video. I'm 19yo and always looking for boys from the recent past, fresh beautiful boys' for me, intellectually where I am today. Thank you so much for your comment and knowledge of Corey's recient past. If you come by some pics, please post them for all of us to see. I would like to post myself for all to see, however, other concerns take more importance to that, boy's such as Corey, may face some of these same issues as I see looking forward. I would love for other gay boys to see me as that boy who they would truly love sexually and emotionally!
wunderbois 7 years ago
It is Corey from 19Nitten at least 10 years ago.... I fell in love with him then too. Always wished we would see him in a duo vid but never did,
7 years ago
I love this beautiful sweet boy, what I would do to kiss him, just once! I love his beautiful flawless soft body with perfect clear pale-skin tone. I find his facial expressions so captivating and sexually arousing. He's one of very few boys' I find so appealing, I truly love him!
toffeeboy 7 years ago
Beautiful blonde boy,love to of rimmed his boi pussy,and tasted his cock and cum