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8 years ago
omg hes huge
8 years ago
Leboy05 Your comment is as shity as you are as well, you can't stop me from commenting but if you have better thing to say that you'd like to have his cock in your ass like you keep on vomiting such stupid comments all over, I don't see why I'd stop just for your satisfaction. How about you try getting some action instead of fantasising on things you'll never get.
lelboy05 8 years ago
Negatory by name - and negatory by nature: why post a shit comment about someone you don't know: get back into your JO corner, you unpleasant tosser!
lelboy05 8 years ago
Although he's very fuckable, I'd definitely like to be on my knees - with that rammed down my throat!
Scott88 8 years ago
(I remember being at church camp after 5th grade and seeing a friend of mine naked as we were putting our swim trunks on. Neither of us had one speck of puberty yet, but his hairless soft penis was about 3 times as long as mine. By 11th grade he HAD a dick like this guy's.)
Scott88 8 years ago
(Can you imagine, going through puberty, and being 14 years old and 130 lbs. and in the ninth grade, and having a 9 inch cock hanging on you???)
Scott88 8 years ago
How I woulda LOVED to prance around naked in the locker room in high school, and showering every day after PE class, if MY dick was that big. Every guy and girl in the school would know about it!
8 years ago
Yeah in your dream bz999, in the first inches in you'd start to cry like a baby
bz999 8 years ago
would love to enjoy this boy in so many ways!!!