Not three or four. Not 5, 6, 7, or 8. Or even 10 or 12. This young virile stud power ejaculates FOURTEEN blasts of cum out of his cock. Is this a record?
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8 years ago
Damn hot! Thought he would never stop!
Mike5962 8 years ago
Not faked, he has a show on chaturbate. Every time, litteraly a cum shower
8 years ago
Probably NOT a record. More likely it's a fake. Notice that there's no facial reaction to the alleged orgasm, nor is there any trace of spasm in his body. Both of these, I feel sure, would be present if he really WAS ejaculating at this intensity. I suspect he'd even have difficulty maintaining a stable position in the chair: he'd be writhing around in ecstasy. He seems to be more interested in what's on his computer screen - that is, is it looking good? - than what is supposedly happening between his legs.