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4 years ago
So nice getting your buddies cum on your dick. I like it before I cum so I can jack with it for lube.

8 years ago
'Together' and 'at the same time'? Sorry, but by my calculation, there was a time-gap of about 50 seconds between the dark lad's ejaculation and that of the white lad! And, considering that they'd changed their position between the two orgasms, it was probably even longer than that. I did enjoy the clip, mind you - and its repeat- but I do like statements to be accurate. Don't know why: it's just the way I am. And wasn't the gasping and groaning impressive? But the dark lad must have had quite a job cleaning up after the amount of semen - his own and that of his friend - deposited on him during this session, though I'm sure he enjoyed it. I hope his white friend helped him with the task.

8 years ago
Slimy hot Mess!!!!!!!!!!