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ActionBuddy 8 years ago
8 years ago
i thought the cum at the beginning was the point of the vid ... then i saw what happened at the end .... oh my fucking god yessssss (sam)
jacker22 9 years ago
Pretty hot video for not even seeing his cock. Imagine how far that cum would have shot if unrestrained.
9 years ago
I kind of agree with Scott, it looks so great on film but in actuality it must feel weird. "Hey sis, you're doing a load of wash, right? Could you add my shorts & undies in with it, thanks."
9 years ago
His dick muscle pushing his thick cream through that fabric mush have made his whole ejaculation feel a little weird. Like cumming in a condom that has not enough free space for your cum - and it makes a "back pressure" when the muscle is trying to ejaculate it. (I wish he had opened his shorts and let us see his cock actually cumming.)