The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros (2005) Gay Themed Movie
Original title: Ang Pagdadalaga Ni Maximo Oliveros. IMDB PAGE: ~ DESCRIPTION: A young boy falls in love with a handsome, but idealistic young cop, who is investigating his family's criminal activities in the slums of Manila.
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starwindwizard77 2 years ago
I have a feeling that if I really Watch this, I'm gonna feel very sad. :-(
rickbesipar 3 years ago
Check our new project for gays. Many boys waiting for you. Check it out this
spunkluvr 4 years ago
Love to suck a few of those little boys' cocks.
sinclair78 8 years ago
Was für eine realistische Story !!!! Der "Pianist" steht stellvertretend für diese u n s e r e Welt. # Dieser Film beschreibt deutlich die Gradwanderung zwischen Recht, Gewissen, sozialem Elend und Zukunftsängsten. Aber auch die familäre Situation in einer Gesellschaft, in der das Einzelindividuum nichts zählt. Gewalt, Kriminalität sind die Kinder des Systems. Maximo schwankt zwischen familär eingefordertem Gehorsam und seiner eigenen Gefühlswelt. Die kindliche Freundschaft zum Polizisten unterstreicht es sinnlich und eindrucksvoll. # Gebt mir 300 Billiarden Dollar und ich verwandele dieses Land in ein lebenswertes Paradies! WOOOO sind die Sponsoren ???????????????!! ### What a realistic story! The "pianist" is s representative for this u n s e r world. # This film describes clearly the degrees between law, certain, social misery and fears of the future. But also the family situation in a society in which nothing is one of the Einzelindividuum. The children of the system are violence, crime. Maximo varies from family required obedience to his own emotions. The childhood friendship with the policeman underlines's sensual and impressively. # Give me $300 trillion and I turn this country into a decent paradise! Are WOOOO the sponsors?!!