peanut butter & cum
horny twink uses dildo with furry tail attached to shoot jizz on some peanut butter on toast then eats it
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jsmooman 10 years ago
Right at the end, the penis does cum on the peanut butter bread, and the boy eats it. Nice. Lots of cum on that peanut butter.
Pacoparis 10 years ago
foxy lady! and she knows how to please herself at breakfast
10 years ago
now that is the kids lunch
Treyboy 10 years ago
Cute sissy boy with a furry tail .. and a unique sandwich spread
cornchip 10 years ago
Okay, that's a weird, but, pretty hot solo...although, I can definitely think of a better place for that massive cum-shot! Do love a lad who pumps out a big load...yum!