public toilet hookup
three hot horny twinks meet up in a public toilet for some all-boy action including hot closeups of barebacking and three hot cum-loads
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jasonsboy 9 years ago
my brother is a big time jock and he will bring friends home and then I typically end up having to be the one to blow or fuck the to get off well 3 dudes and they ate white have 10 inch cocks I am 9 and my brother 9.5 and we are both big time thick so the 22 10 inch dudes and me and my brother will go out looking to bust open some fag holes. We hot a porn shop and this 20 year old dude was cruising ffoor cock so he had to agree to take all 4 if us or nine he wasn't sure but finally he said ok we busted open that ass pumped 8 loads in his ass and his hole was so fucking stretched out cum was dropping out the hole my brother said you really need to go home nobody will fuck that ho;e we hung around for another hour and this 19 year old faggot was cruising for cock and hits up my brother same 4 or none faggots always take four and again we dump 8 loads in he and it was even worse than the first dude cum all over his hole it woudnt shut it was like we put his hole pic and his face pic on Tumblr we were howling he is a star now hole open 3 inches we took pics of that hole and then showed him he was freaking and said will it close up? Tony no dude it will allways be like but hey fuck black dudes thats what guys with a hole like you do now