biggest cum loud and my new pink shirt
i was up all night working on paper work and i had a huge mood over come me sweeping me into horney vill haha i think this is by far the best shoot i have done made me feel better
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Joshbygosh 4 years ago
He has a nice dick, but when he says hes is about to cum, it is so phoney. Still a good video tho.
jacker22 10 years ago
I would jo that way very slowly (but quietly) at night in bed when my roommate was asleep. The orgasm was always super intense but so hard to keep quiet.
10 years ago
That's one of the gentlest masturbation sessions I have ever seen. Everything was achieved without vigorous rubbing and thrusting, and yet the vocal response shows that it was a most enjoyable experience. I hope he didn't soil his new pink shirt though, or his mum would be most displeased on laundry day.