Str8 surfer Bradan reluctantly returns, but he needs the money and this time he had his cock pierced
I never thought I'd see this str8 boy again. A strawberry blond surfer, he only lets me jack him. Now his big pink cock is pierced. Can't believe he's back. So, I jerk his hot cock off and catch some of his hot sperm in my hand, walk off camera and slurp that sweet syrup up. My knees go weak,
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Farney 2 years ago
love the wet pack in his jocks from a leaking big pierced cock. Nice shaft vein leading to a nice pierced knob. HOT dude
wildecoyote1966 3 years ago
I would love to see him cum. I've never seen a cock pierced like that
Reyn24 6 years ago
Hi, if any of you would like to talk to me and hang up with me, I invite you to my profile, I am damn horny, I'm waiting! This is link -