four dicks no chicks
four hot healthy boys at the beach on their last day of vacation decide to have all-boy sex
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9 years ago
How life changes, I'm 57 ad my lover is 25. I am his first lover. He asked me f I bottomed I said never he said Daddy I ove pussy do you think we could do that I will be gentle. Went and bought the dildos to stretch my hole hes a nice 7". The only pussy he gets is mine and I know I will fuck his25 year old brains out. I never dated under 35, this fucking hot little brother of a friend chased the fuck out of me. Him and His brother came over, didnt catch my eye we were in the kitchen he said I like it here would I be allowed to come over if I call you. I said sure gave him my number and expected him and his brother, but always only him and hed text me always calling me daddy. I have to break him in sexually very slow. Hes divorced with a kid. First I am just serviiicing him for a month or two I had horribllw guilt when I started, servicing him is less taboo. I never swallowed either but I am swallowing this25 yr old cum . I'd flip if he asked me to drink his piss. I took 2 years of psychology annd there was actually 2 chapters on how to acclimate a former straight guy to gay seex. Like str8 guys get blow jbs from faggots soits less of a shock for him. I wonder if he knows gays eat ass. He has a nice pink virgin pussy and stayin virgin