2 str8 brothers with big cocks jack off, talk about dad's big cock.
Two str8 thug brothers on the couch getting comfortable and getting raunchy. They tell me what they'd do to a chick if she were there. But she isn't so they both pull big dicks out of their pants and jack off. Covered in tattoos but built like convicts, these two dudes are mean fuckers.
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lelboy03 4 years ago
cheezborg91 Because that is what comment sections are for - so that most of us see what WE want, and not crap that some posters IMAGINE we want!
lelboy05 10 years ago
Damn, they're both repulsive - which can't be helped, I suppose - and those tattoos! Never seen such an ugly, off-putting pair in my life. Bleaughhhhhh!
11 years ago