Room service porn
A really fun little film about a drunk boy returning to his holiday guest house, which appears to be run by the late UK comic Kenny Everitt, who goes to his room, gets naked and calls for service and the inevitable sexy room boy appears and they do everything. Nothing major but I enjoyed its naively basic premise.
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6 days ago
more hotels need to offer this kind of room service

6 days ago
De Supers Beaux Acteurs... comme je Kiffe Grave !!! 2 Supers Beaux Corps... 2 Supers Belles Bites (Surtout celle du Jeune Client... hhhuuuummmm = TOP !!! ) 2 Supers Beaux petits Culs... hhhuuummm... mais comme à chaque fois avec les "Vintages de l ' Est" = pas très sérieux et + sous forme de Jeux... pas vraiment Chaud Bouillants SEXE... Quel Dommage...