David Boira & Adalberto Martínez in Domino Dancing ❤️ Pet Shop Boys

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Added: 2 months ago

Rolling Stone magazine calls the video "probably the most homoerotic pop video ever made," citing the slow-motion shots of the boyswrestling on the beach."As such, the video exemplified the general exploitation of gay sex in the 1980s, most evident in Calvin Klein advertisements and feature films such as Top Gun. "Unfortunately, Domino Dancing was so dishonest, shaming the straight world with images it could never recognize and then doubling down on repression by openly keeping gay expression closed." —Jim Farber.

The video was recorded in Puerto Rico during four days, in the summer of 1988 and lasts 4:18.

David Boira is the boy who has a secret love affair with the young woman and Adalberto Martínez Mojica is a friend of the previous one and the one who pursues the young woman first.
