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4 months ago
Goddammit. Jamar is criminally unused again. He and other bottoms are too eager to please, always dropping to their knees first, off-camera, always letting themselves be thrown face down and pummelled. Why can't JAMAR be serviced first? Why can't we stare at HIS body instead of the pasty white doughboys we always see? Why can't we ever see Jamar and other cute bottoms from the FRONT sometimes?? Why do they always waste the best-looking boys and force us to look at non-descript nobodies?? It's maddening, it's frustrating, and appears to even be a psychological hang up. I would MUCH rather have the unused cuttings from the editing room floor instead of these actual finished videos. Call me when Jamar is actually IN one of his videos.

4 months ago
The golden skinned slender God is sooooo sexy. Such a sweet bony ass and nice dick, Such a sexy golden skinned tummy and ass