Hung Blond Twink Skater Milk Boys Porn - AI Enhanced
This beautiful Blond Twinks video was blurry. I AI enhanced it. So now we can see him much better. If you want to see the before I AI enhanced it video link is here.
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IsiahDanials 6 months ago
By the ratings of your "AI enhanced" videos, people don't seem to think you are improving them. Funny thing is, you don't piss me off, but I seem to piss you off because you felt it necessary to comment. I did contribute, quite a bit. For years. You're "contributions" are more of an insult. You are clearly ego driven which could mean your mommy didn't nurture you as a baby? HAHA!!! Funny you had to bring politics into it too. Who irritates you more? Me or Trump? You cunt.
TwinkWorship54 6 months ago
I'm here just to piss you off IsiahDanialds. I want to make you look so small that you have to Bully a person that contribute so much to GBT. That you have to resort to name calling and acting like a baby Trump. I suggest you go back to your Therapy and ask them to up your medications. I'm sure they will be so happy to do that for you. Peace and love you parasite.
IsiahDanials 6 months ago
How is it possible this asshole does a worse job with each video. This must be a joke.