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5 months ago
Scene 2 > 37'.00". What a lovely way to pick up a boy. Such an compliant one, too. // Scene 3 > 43'.00". Lovely bum in the trousers of the first boy we see. // Scene 4 > end. Impressive. Impressive the way the Bottom's package moves around in his jeans. Impressive the amount of spunk in the rubber that the plumber uses; and that he came inside. Impressive the Bottom's dick when we finally get to see it flaccid. Also the the bit where the plumber says 'Do you want me to fuck you?' (49' 35") Fantastic facial expressions, not just here, but throughout Scene 4.

5 months ago
Scene 1 > 21".00'. Beautiful seduction. Wish I were the Bottom. Nice pair of suckable bollocks on him, too.