D4S - 204

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Added: 12 months ago

The fleet's at anchor and the "destroyers" are looking for targets! A Navy Destroyer arrives in port after six months at sea. Two of the sailors, played by Jack Wrangler and George Payne, have been secretly admiring each other but have been too unsure about the other's receptiveness to admit it. Jack hires a helicopter for a tour of the port and winds up having sex with Guiseppi Welsh a mile above the city! When they finally land, and Jack at last hooks up with George, the real Naval assault really begins!

Starring: George Payne, Jack Wrangler, Giuseppe Welch, Brian Ray, Adam DeHaven, Kurt Mann, Snapper Foster, and Derek Thurston.

Running Time: 58:22
Released: Jul 3, 1981
Director: Francis Ellie
