TRUE STORY - Cross Possessed

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Added: 11 months ago

I was with a friend of mine who's behavior became increasingly sporadic between good and bad that it kept me tormented with his affectionate ways one minute and then his dastardly deeds the next. One day hanging out in his bedroom he was entertaining me by using lone of those sex fogging whips making silly different facial and body expressions. I was taking pictures one after another. Afterward when I reviewed the photos and they were entertaining but something was very different, shocking even. When I got to the last photo it was very clear that some thing, some creature, some ghoul perhaps, maybe a demon even. I couldn't say but what I did know is that in all the previous pictures I took just minutes apart you could clearly see him in all of them but not in the last one. His image was gone but you could see a ghastly image of something. What was it? Where was he? I begin to understand his behavior patterns and how unwittingly he had been battling with spiritual wickedness of a sort.
