Charlie & Kelvin's Afternooner
Charlie's big, curved cock makes Kelvin squeal in mingled pain and pleasure. Like that they don't constantly look at the camera enjoying the sex instead. Charlie's big cum shot belongs in Kelvin's butt, but altogether good, rowdy sex.
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gink 4 months ago
The only one I want to see naked is the little guy. But by now, we've all seen what happens: he is ignored while the top gets a blowjob and we can ogle his nude body constantly. Part of it must be because the bottom is always so eager to get on their knees and gobble cock way before the top does, if ever. After the blowjob, the bottom is usually yanked away from the dick and spin thrown onto the bed facedown. Then we see his back the rest of the video. I'm often denied a look at the cute bottom -- which happens again here. Until we got lucky, and saw a little of him. This doesn't solve the cute bottom discrimination, but it's better than bad.
cdkyle 12 months ago
I agree with the previous comments on the subtle tan lines… HOT!!! 14:00 = I love it when the bottom in this position fucks the dick in him!!!! At 15:45, love it when the bottom says “give it to me” and whimpers…. VERY HOT HOT HOT!!!