Fire Island (2022)
Fire Island is a 2022 American romantic comedy film directed by Andrew Ahn, and written by and starring Joel Kim Booster. The film costars Bowen Yang, Conrad Ricamora, James Scully, and Margaret Cho.
Inspired by Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the story follows a group of gay friends who go on vacation to Fire Island; only for things to become complicated by classism and romance.
Distributed and produced by Searchlight Pictures, the film was released on Hulu on June 3, 2022.
The film received generally positive reviews. Fire Island manages to approach issues raised by heteronormativity and social expectations.
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Born2B3 1 year ago
Oh god, what primitive and stupid acting. It seems that the actors have not attended any acting school at all and do not realize that there is professionalism at all. Some village drama group performance. A typical banal American product, once seen and forgotten forever...
12 years ago
It would be a pleasure to taste this gorgeous cock!