Rubax Video - Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Blu-ray
High school student Ferris Bueller wants a day off from school and he's developed an incredibly sophisticated plan to pull it off. He talks his friend Cameron and his girlfriend Sloane into heading to Chicago for the day. While they are taking in what the city has to offer, school principal Ed Rooney is convinced that Ferris is, not for the first time, playing hooky for the day and is hell-bent to catch him out. Ferris had anticipated that, much to Rooney's chagrin.
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Born2B3 1 year ago
looks like a time machine - back to the 1980s. Wired telephones, faxes and voice recorders and the first computers with only 8-color monitors :)) that’s the whole essence of this film, nothing more than an artifact from our childhood.... The acting is terrible, stupid amateurish roles, the storyline as primitive as a stone is sucked out from the finger...a typical dumb American movie for housewives. 2/10
Evilgoofball666 1 year ago
Why is this on a porn site?