Shortbus (2006)
Shortbus is a 2006 American erotic comedy drama film written and directed by John Cameron Mitchell.
The plot revolves around a sexually diverse ensemble of colorful characters trying desperately to connect in early 2000s New York City.
The characters converge in a weekly Brooklyn artistic/sexual salon;
loosely inspired by various underground NYC gatherings that took place in the early 2000s.
According to Mitchell, the film attempts to "employ sex in new cinematic ways because it's too interesting to leave to porn."
Shortbus includes a variety of explicit scenes containing non-simulated sexual intercourse with visible penetration and male ejaculation.
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Born2B3 1 year ago
one of the best weirder movies of the last few decades. Funny, open, sincere, very well acted, which is especially rare in American cinema. but here is an example of independent cinema. Unfortunately, this is a very rare exception, but this movie is unforgettable and remarkable artifact.. It doesn't sink into the general flow of very primitive Yankee cinema. 9/10 my rating