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Scott88 1 year ago
If they're ever looking for judges for a new TV show, "Who's Got Jack-off Talent", I bet I could do a pretty good job rating the contestants' performances!
juVIBES 1 year ago
I don't know why I'm watching this or why I find it one of the best videos I've ever seen on here, no joke! And I'm 110% physically attracted to men only. Maybe because she is a str8 (or Bi) girl having pleasure watching those gays guys (at least the 2nd one is, 'cause I ain't know any str8 guy that would put a dildo in his hole!) and rating them, and I feel that I totally get her and understand her vibe. She just got me with "if you're a Depth Queen", OMFG! I want to watch more porn with her commenting! I love her! Go "Thick Queen"! :P Please, comment if you know where I can find more of her, thx!