♥ The strange ones ♥
A man and a boy, traveling to an unknown destination, give themselves a moment of respite in the pool of a motel. On the surface, everything seems normal, but nothing is what it seems.
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Storung 1 week ago
Wow this is a good one! With these type of ambiguous films I tend to feel confident with my assertion at the end, but with this one I am at a complete loss. The kid is convincing but at the same time, so is the older dude. And the fact that the older one leaves the kid to get him a soda; if he were really kidnapped, the dude would have never left him alone with the lady.
Born2B3 1 year ago
a very unusual and indeed strange film compared to banal and primitive Hollywood productions. more like European cinema. Where is the line between fantasy and reality? Are they really brothers or are they just pretending to be? Here is a version of a short subway film. It was later (2017) made into a feature-length drama film. The actors play very well, which is rare in American films. The acting is very natural and convincing. Only one thing catches the eye is that the child is bathing in travel pants. In the European version he would be naked, but in America it is taboo for a person to bathe naked... Finally the movie is VERY GOOD
doctordee 1 year ago
this is a great film.