i ride the bus years ago---in high school i rode the bus to a friends house--didnt need ride a bus from school home i lived 10 minute walk from school---
and then i have been on bus jerked off few times and saw few guys jerking off--few times i got in seat next them jerked them off sometimes or sucked them off-they would love that as theyd would whisper they were about to cum and i just kept going so they knew then let it go as i was going to swallow it
guys i helped jerk off would cum so much on my hand i would lick it up off my hand and their stomach if any went there
technology today wasnt around then or i am sure it would been recorded if i had anything to do with it--that and other places i did stuff in--during class in school--to movie theater fun and parking lot fun--got arrested on time for sucking dick in parking lot---just happen a cop drove by and caught me and the guy in the act
wished had a time machine so i can record things i did plus other guys--even the straight guys that fucked their girlfriend or a girl in front of me--some reason they made sure see their cock and their asshole alot and not the pussy which i was always glad i didnt have to see
and then i have been on bus jerked off few times and saw few guys jerking off--few times i got in seat next them jerked them off sometimes or sucked them off-they would love that as theyd would whisper they were about to cum and i just kept going so they knew then let it go as i was going to swallow it
guys i helped jerk off would cum so much on my hand i would lick it up off my hand and their stomach if any went there
technology today wasnt around then or i am sure it would been recorded if i had anything to do with it--that and other places i did stuff in--during class in school--to movie theater fun and parking lot fun--got arrested on time for sucking dick in parking lot---just happen a cop drove by and caught me and the guy in the act
wished had a time machine so i can record things i did plus other guys--even the straight guys that fucked their girlfriend or a girl in front of me--some reason they made sure see their cock and their asshole alot and not the pussy which i was always glad i didnt have to see