Denke in unserer Schulzeit haben wir das alle einmal mindestens mit einem Freund gemacht am Schulklo, wenn mal zwei hintereinander während einer Stunde aufs klo mussten, hast du dann schon gewusst, aha die beiden onanieren sich jetzt am Klo gegenseitig
Hot in school is where I sucked dick for the first time me and a friend was in class alone so I sucked his dick got a plus lol after school is win he fucked me in the ass in the bathroom is where I fucked a different friend in the ass a student walk in on use I was just fucking him out in the middle of to restroom he did say everything just wanted as he jack off it was fun sorry my comment is long
Interesting take on sucking in cubicals---lol which weve all done at that age , cross legged on the pot, i like it, mmmm could sit there all day milking college boi penises, but why on earth didnt he swallow the small cocks load, anyway i liked it, if you cant get a girl at college to suck you , mmmm a boi will
in the bathroom is where I fucked a different friend in the ass a student walk in on use I was just fucking him out in the middle of to restroom he did say everything just wanted as he jack off it was fun sorry my comment is long