He is his stepbrother and his boyfriend at the same time
He is his stepbrother and his boyfriend at the same time
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3 years ago
Fucking fantastic collection, my big cock is throbbing wishing I was the bottom Check it out this https://gaytub.fun

3 years ago
I wish the filming and editing weren't so bad! They did and do a great job showing a close up him ejaculating inside of him but another showing his face would have been great. I realize he was still in the process of going and unloading when they did show up but sometimes showing it twice is good if they are going to show a close up of penetration. But a HUGE thumbs up for them having something called SEX! Something most people in porn know nothing about and instead prefer to pull out and masturbate instead which I have always said is great and important but we don't need 99.99% of porn being that.

3 years ago
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