Curly hair college boys porn strokes his big dick to a nice load
Curly hair college boys porn strokes his big dick to a nice load
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11 months ago
Nice piece of meat...

3 years ago
Oh no. Disappointed in never seeing a full body shot. Just a close up twig-n-berry shot. I like to see who's fapping.

3 years ago
I have a question about the soundtrack on this video. At first, it sounds as if we can hear rustling noises suggesting the boy was moving around or maybe opening up his pants, but his movements didn't echo these sounds. Then shortly after the 1 minute mark, we can hear a background conversation including perhaps one adult voice and the warbling tenor of a young boy. That cuts out around 2:20 in favor of what sounds like natural background noise, but around 6:30, the other voices start to cut back in. Then back to natural sounds again until about 11:11, when there's a full on conversation between two little boys until about 14:00, which appears to have no bearing on the video and the guy jerking off doesn't react to the sound. Where is that coming from and why? It doesn't seem to be the voices of the jerking dude's family. they sound too close to the mike for that. Finally, around 15:38, music starts to play. I don't think I'm having a stroke. O.x What's going on?

3 years ago

3 years ago
Good looking teen with a fat cut cock. Look at how small his glans looks compared to the thickness of his shaft. And, I'm estimating he's XV of XVI.

3 years ago
Total hot sexy hung boy with a 3/4 hard cock ... perfect for deep throating !

3 years ago
hes a hotty:)