Putting on a show for this hot guy from my school boys porn
Putting on a show for this hot guy from my school boys porn
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johnarias 3 years ago
Super ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
99Twinks 3 years ago
When will some folks learn not to kill the goose that always gets you laid? ....Or something like that. :x Your strongest ally in seducing a straight teen boy is his own cock. If he's willing to show off because he figures he's impressing a sexy girl, let him think that and let him be happy. I don't care what sort of kinky jolt you might get out of revealing yourself and blackmailing the kid for more stuff. You were already getting it willingly. The very first reaction upon getting blackmailed is to stop being willing. It doesn't matter if you milk one or two more vids out of him under duress. He'll be scarred for life, and so will you once he tells people about you.
Jambulia 3 years ago
@Darkvalor. Yeah. to bad. I would have loved to seen more videos of him.
alastairW 3 years ago
too bad. He's a real cutie!
Darkvalor 3 years ago
used to talk to this guy years ago on kik. he was always horny and loved sending stripping videos. I have his snap too somewhere but he doesnt send anymore. I think someone blackmailed him with his nudes and he probably knows his stuff is on the internet now. Ruined it for everyone.