Kidnapped And Double Fucked Gay Tube
Gay Tube boy is snatched off the street and is taken to a hideout where he is double fucked.
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3 years ago
Okay, rewatched it now. They taped blondie's ankles and they abducted him because he had a good reputation as a cocksucker.
3 years ago
Blondie didn't stand a chance… but at first he didn't realise what a lucky boys he was. Like to have seen more background, for instance why they chose this guy and how they stalked him before they pounced. They seem to be known to him and he is fully co-operative, and he's experienced. Disabling him was a bit sloppy. Should have bound his ankles. Buy a pair of handcuffs before your next abduction. Class preparation of his butt hole. The double fuck is the star of the show, but for me it was the actual kidnap. Nice lot of spunk at the end. What did they do with blondie afterwards? Take him back to the car park? 5 *****
msbd19 3 years ago
Kyle loves being used, nice DP
grosalanspool 3 years ago
GAY Fuckbook. Just send a message and ask to fuck, no bullshit. Check it out this
Fredo2011 3 years ago
Mmmm Kyle's pussy is wrecked by two big boycocks mmmm