He feasts on the spunk on his thigh and crotch boys porn
He feasts on the spunk on his thigh and crotch boys porn
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ChadGays 1 month ago
Hot cock
99Twinks 4 years ago
I like the obvious bulge in his shorts as he stands up from starting the camera. ;) I wonder if he's filming this video for a special someone or if he's just so horny that he wanted to record it for posterity. That looks like a bunk bed on the left but the room doesn't seem furnished like a dorm. I wonder if he shares the room with a not coincidentally absent brother. LOL at 6:50 when he has to interrupt to call out to family outside the door that he's "changing". You sure are, from a boy into a man. :) Then out go the lights and we lie low for a few minutes until the coast clears and I won't get caught by his mom. :x The only bummer is that he lies on his belly on the carpet and types on his laptop for a while as the heat dies down (in one respect) and gradually starts grinding his dick into the rug so that by the time he sits up to show off again, he's already squirted on his lower belly and thigh and he's just rubbing off enough stray jizz so he can trail his fingers through it and lick it off. More, please! :D
Jordanjay 4 years ago
Nice small cock on him, perfect for sucking deep.