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2 years ago
I want Aaron's cock and cum in my mouth!

4 years ago
Totally him. Not the same kid I interviewed for an internet radio show when he was 15 although you could tell he was used to showing off his dick to men, women, boys and girls. I'm sure Pearlman got some of it.

4 years ago
Yes, it's him. Kind of hard to doubt it when the first 15 seconds features a full body shot of him naked from the waist down. In a way, I feel bad for him because it seems like his early fame left him without a clue how to live a regular life. I wouldn't have advised him to post nudes but it's obviously his wish as a way to hold on to his celebrity by fulfilling his old fans' pubescent fantasy of seeing him blow a load. For his fans, of course, the satisfaction is obvious: using the former teen idol's desperation to be relevant to gratify a fifteen year old urge to treat him as a boytoy and then walk away.

4 years ago
It's from his page

4 years ago
that’s him. 100%

4 years ago
Looks real to me. Not exactly sure I like him being exposed like this though. Been a fan of Aaron since he started opening for his brother Nick and the BSB. He was adorably cute when he was in his early teens, but family issues and fame caught up with him in a bad way. Today he seems detached and I do not think he is really happy at all. In some ways he seems to be in a downward spiral, clinging on to his past as a teen idol and now that he is older, I just hope he does not end up tragic.

4 years ago
really him? No face no evidence:)