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spunkluvr 2 years ago
First stuck my hairless little cock into the vacuum cleaner hose when I was seven. The vibrations and flutter drove my tiny prick crazy. My mother would have had a fit if she'd known what fun I had with her Electrolux.
vestroa 4 years ago
It's not painful otherwise he wouldn't do it. Just don't put it on the maximum setting and it feels really great!
lelboy03 4 years ago
Weird - and looks painful...
tmos 4 years ago
mine would never get in the hose
zyawotha 4 years ago
clarkbilly 4 years ago
ZanyZander 4 years ago
Awe, shoot, and shit. I wanted to see him orgasm and ejaculate into the vacuum to see how well it would collect his sperm and semen and how well he could shoot doing it while doing that. Hmmm, someone else will have to give it another try!