Color Climax - Homo Party
Color Climax - Homo Party. Vintage Danish twink porn loop with overdubbed German vocals.
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maby14 4 years ago
Wow d
My Dad was filmed under the umbrella name of Piccolo Films part of Colour Climax in the Mid 70's he was young to say the least.
Born2B3 4 years ago
Denmark in 1970's was a very liberal and tolerant country.... Golden ages... Lucky generation that lived then.
graham321 4 years ago
Many thanks for posting. 30 years ago I bought the Colour Climax booklet of this, illegal in the UK, and it was my favourite wanking tool for many years. Never seen the video before.
ZanyZander 4 years ago
Wow! Awesome! Funny too! Beautiful pretty boys just happen to wash up to their boat! Lol! They and this is so hot! I wonder what year this came out? 1980?