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msbd19 7 months ago
UncleDalicioso 4 years ago
1980'z FRANKIE GOEZ TO HOLLYWIERD... i hafta see if itz the unedited verzion, which i have on dvd along with a buncha other top mtv muzic vidz from their broadcasting heyday when it waz brand new... i waz able to copy the dvd into like three chapters on my laptop, which cutz several of the best songz in half tho... and i have no idea how to upload to this site, so that'z life... nor do i wanna be responsible for doing so with possibly copyrighted material... my hacked laptopz and fonez are enuf exposure for me already, az i heard thru the grapevine a major movie/muzic studio waz trying to come after me and sumbody else with a petition a whilez back to have us shut down sumhowzz... and i heard rumorz that the copz were contacted when i played a few things from this site also... butt if this gayboy site haz been around az long az it haz... then itzz not my problem, az i live in one of the most gay friendly citiez on the planet, and they are a bitzz buzy right nowzz anywayzz, hee hawzz... probably sum self righteous nozy soccer momz sumwhere tho trying to control otherz becuz they can't get laid themselvez, haha !! ????
Caitlin56 4 years ago
Awesome! Frankie say RELAX!
msbd19 4 years ago
Brilliant song and video love it played in hot session