Send Message to gaydrew89

- City: cincinnati
- Country:
- About Me: im 24 white guy, on the chunky side but am working on that ive had a difficult life which has lead to me having a anxiety disorder. being gay was something I stressed over a lot in high school basically till this past year when I came out yes a late one but I did and im better for it would like to gain friends on here and watch some hot vids now and again ha :P
- Here For: friends,ltr which wont happen on this site haha, and just to watch hot vids
- Favorite Categories: NA
- Ideal Partner: NA
- Erogenic Zones: NA
- Turn Ons: NA
- Turn Offs: NA
- hometown:
- Occupation: housing discrimination investigator
- Company: NA
- School: NA
- Interested In: Guys