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- City: lpswich area
- Country:
- About Me: Mature slim guy who is extremely attracted to younger men. I am 5' 11" tall, grey hair, blue eyes and weigh about 12 stone, more than willing to share a warm friendship and perhaps face pic with any interested party.
- Here For: A shoulder to cry on if you are feeling lonely, sad, upset, hurt or depressed, also someone to chat with just for the hell of it. Also for myself,older male Looking for a sexy twinky Asian guy, to chat, share pics and vids, with a possibility, if i'm lucky, of forming a close friendship, maybe if i'm really lucky, an extremely close relationship. Well that was my original intention but after being here for about 3 weeks and beginning to make some friends on the site my way of viewing things is beginning to change. The majority of members here are soooo friendly and nice, i'm beginning to come here more for the postings than to look at the porn, although the porn is great LOL.
- Favorite Categories: NA
- Ideal Partner: Preferrably between 18&25 male, , have a thing about asian guys,I think they are so beautiful. A sexy bum is a must have, cock size not important, must be prepared to receive lots of blow jobs from me and enjoy cuddling in bed.
- Erogenic Zones: For the right person, anywhere
- Turn Ons: Naked Young Asian lads with gorgeous bums and a nice cock who are willing to indulge in blowjobs and maybe watersports
- Turn Offs: Slobby,lazy,unclean,mouthy and rude individuals.
- hometown:
- Occupation: Builder
- Company: Self Employed
- School: NA
- Interested In: Guys